Thursday, May 16, 2013

Three SIMPLE words - I LOVE YOU

Three simple words that I wan tell u - I LOVE YOU
Three simple words... I LOVE YOU. Say it, mean it, and live by it.
If u wan say tis 3 simple words to someone, please sure that u can say it,mean it, and live by it.
Please don't simply say tis 3 words to someone.
It mean a promise.
If u can't achieve it then u will hurt the ppl who u tell he/she tis 3 words.
Don't see that it is just 3 simple words.
Actually, it is meaningful for the person who hear the words.
Someone say I LOVE YOU to me last time.
But, the person doesn't know that it is meaningful for me.
The person can simply say tis words to another .
The person had say IMY, me.
That was long time ago I hear tis words from u.
When I think back the moment we meet up, it was sweet for me.
The time ,the place, the moment juz hv both of us.
The world is belong to me and you.
But.. all of tat was over.
Now, me r juz like a stranger for you.
Thanks for you love me tat time.
Although I dk it is truth or not.
But really thanks .
Our small, stupid conversations mean so much more to me than you'll ever know.

Me are just a stranger in your life.

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